What a joy!
Great things happen when we endure patiently in everyday life.
Great things happen when we endure patiently in everyday life.
Something big has been
happening for the last 19 years: the
seed of featuring Cr.Ms Fer.tilityCare/Na.Pr.o TECHN.OLOGY in spanish speaking
nations is becoming a little, but beautiful, tree of life.
The largest ibero american
delegation until today in the history of Fe.rtilityCar.e Professi.onals Programs and Lo.ve
& Li.fe Unli.mited Conference of the P.ope P.aul VI Inst.itute, is this week participating
in class 35.
Seven professionals of
Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil with a priest of Mexico and another from Cuba are right now preparing themselves at Omaha,
The inspiration began to take form with the
commitment of a mexican doctor who has know to be patient and persevere in prayers. This was in 1994 and a long and hard way delivered a precious gift: in 2009 a crazy, fearless and inspiring woman AMTTBAM, took care of the little seed.
After then, greatly
because of tons of prayers that you, community, have offer, the Grace of Our Lord under the sight of Our Holy Mother has miraculously multiplied this small daily and hidden efforts. By 2012, over ten (10) professionals from Mexico, Costa Rica, Gibraltar, Spain and Colombia have finished this programs and now are working silently in many
fronts back in their places of origin as well as US. During last 2 years Dr.
Tho.mas W. Hilge.rs, Dr. Cath.erine K.eefe and Dr. Car.los Alda.na have traveled to
Costa Rica, Colombia and Argentina continue spreading the word.
Each day, new clients coming from all this countries very loved by Our Mother in her advocation of Guadalupe, are asking to be taught.
And more to come!
The miracle is that when year
2013 finishes, Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Gibraltar and USA will be harbor of at least 14 CrM.s
Fertil.ityCa.re prog.rams available to teach in spanish throughout the world!
Definetely a confirmation
that great things happen when we endure patiently in everyday life. A confirmation that comes as a reminder of the permanent openness of the door of faith!